Majid Nagra
Councillor for Loddon Arifield and candidate for Loddon

Majid Nagra is a resident of Loddon ward, where he lives with his wife and family. He is currently serving as a Woodley town councillor for Loddon South ward. Majid’s normal business as taxi driver was badly affected during the pandemic but as a qualified carer he was able to work on the front line of providing care. He was greatly moved and felt supported by the “clapping for carers” but is dismayed by the pitiful pay rise offered to nurses this year.Majid believes the pandemic exposed the failings in our health and social care systems. Now, more than ever, the Council must compensate for a failing government.Majid is keen to see the Council do as much as it possibly can to not only support carers but also to support small businesses and the self-employed. He would like to use his experience in both sectors to make sure WBC does better in these areas. As a Woodley Town councillor he has repeatedly raised issues regarding the good governance of the town council. He believes residents want open and transparent decision making at both town and borough council and he is determined to help make this happen. Majid is always looking for ways to support residents and has been working closely with Labour Borough councillors to help resolve various issues for residents.