Wokingham Constituency Labour Party On Your Side in Wokingham Constituency
Dear Resident,
I wanted to update you on my work as a Town Councillor. First of all, thank you to everyone who has contacted me over various issues over the last few months!
Safer Road Crossings
I have taken the issues of Wiltshire Road and Rectory Road crossings to Wokingham Town Council and gained unanimous agreement from the Planning and Transport Committee that both these locations needed crossings. As a council committee we have asked Wokingham Borough Council (WBC) that these locations be taken into consideration for crossings. We have received little more than a cursory email in reply from WBC. I have continued to press WBC for safer crossings and I will continue to do so working closely with Councillor Rachel Burgess.
The traffic island crossing on Rose Street (as you cross from Waitrose heading to the town centre) has also been raised as a dangerous crossing location. Cars heading into town have been swinging into the wrong lane to avoid the narrow channel, catching pedestrians unawares. Rachel Burgess has made this point over and over again to WBC and I now understand an assessment IS in the pipeline.
A number of residents have complained to me about speeding, particularly along Wiltshire Road And Keephatch Road. Speeding is anti- social as well as dangerous. It makes our roads less safe.
Working with Wokingham Borough Council and Bracknell and Wokingham Speedwatch we agreed several Speedwatch sessions would be held on Wiltshire Road. In these sessions, Speedwatch volunteers use a speed camera to measure car speeds. Speeding drivers are sent warning letters (they cannot issue penalty notices). The teams send a clear message to drivers that they must respect the speed limit but also provide the Police with car speed data to help determine if an escalation is required.
Anti-Social Behaviour
Residents have contacted me with concerns of drug dealing and groups gathering at the end of Milton Road. This information was passed to the local Thames Valley policing team and I understand a number of arrests were made. Crimes can be reported to Thames Valley Police online at www.thamesvalley.police.uk/report-a- crime The more local intelligence the police have, the better and the more quickly they will act. But call 999 if it’s an emergency.
One of the unexpected functions of the Town Councillor is ceremonial responsibilities. The most important of these is Remembrance Sunday. I was humbled to represent the residents of Norreys West in the ceremony held at the Town Hall and the service in All Saints Church. As an aside, Wokingham’s main war memorial, with the names of all those who died defending our freedoms, is in the Council Chamber of the Town Hall. If you have not had the chance to visit it, I really do recommend it.
Although candidates for Town Council stand as members of a political party, the work of town councillors is not political. I serve on the Planning & Transport Committee and the Finance & Personnel Committee. On these Committees, all councillors are expected to work for the benefit of the whole of Wokingham town, rather than just our own wards. We also work closely across party lines with the four Labour town councillors working with Conservative and other colleagues.
Priority Registration: Vulnerable People and Essential Services
Some of you may have seen Cllr Rachel Burgess’s video advising households where a person is vulnerable to register with local electricity company so that in the event of a power cut, the electricity company ensures these households receive priority treatment. All the utility companies offer a version of this service and I urge everyone to check to see if Priority Registration is required for their household.
The definition of vulnerable is: people over 60 or children under 5, people with disabilities and long term sick or recovering from a serious illness.
Scheme details are are given below.
Electricity (regardless of who sends you your bills, register with SSE as they manage the local infrastructure). www.ssen.co.uk/PriorityServices or 0800 316 5457.
Water www.thames-psr.org or 0800 009 3652
It is that time of year when the pothole problem seems to get out of control. Street repairs and potholes can be reported directly to Wokingham Borough Council via their website. www.wokingham.gov.uk/roadworks -and-outdoor-maintenance/report-a- problem-with-roads-and-streets/
I would just to say what an honour and a privilege it is to be working as your town councillor. Thank you once again for electing me last May! Please do get in touch if you have any questions or queries,
Yours Sincerely Nick
Nick Fox
Wokingham Town Councillor